Slightly Off Topic: Versatile Blogger Award A La Deux


As I have shared, when I started this blog, I really just thought that it would be a good way to organize my recipes and share them with family and friends. It’s sort of a personal hobby. 

I really don’t promote my blog to friends or family members. My mother is my major culinary consultant. My friend Malka is a close runner up.

Despite my lack of self promotion, this blog has evolved into a life of its own. My little blog has turned into a wonderful, global social networking opportunity. I feel like I have a glimpse of the kitchens of other people all over the world. What an amazing concept!

Over the past few months, I have been graciously nominated by my fellow blogging sisters for 3 Versatile Blogger Awards.

As I am time challenged, it is difficult for me to respond to awards, and still post recipes.

Unfortunately, however, I was sick last week.

So, with my spare time recovering from a cold, I had an opportunity to finally respond.

I guess I find blogging relaxing.

Thank you all for your kindness and patience.

The rules:

  1. Thank the person that has nominated you & include a link to their blog.
  2. Nominate at least 10 blogs of your choice.
  3. Link your nominees and let them know of your nomination.
  4. Share seven different facts about yourself.

So, to begin, I would like to thank my fellow blogging sister Trina from Itsgoodtobecrazysometimes for her support and recognition:

Trina writes about her experiences with mental illness. As I work in mental health, I really appreciate her point of view and applaud her efforts. She is also an animal lover, and those who read my blog know how much I like cats.

7 Different Facts About Me:

As this is part of an ongoing response, I am not quite sure how many facts that I have already listed. Nevertheless, here are more:

1. I am starting a new blog for my thoughts and experiences unrelated to food, called coffeeklatch(in)sight, so that I will hopefully minimize my off topic postings.

Here is the link:

2. I like to cook.

3. I do not like cake decorating. It is kind of funny, but when my girls were born, I took a class on cake decorating. I always wanted to learn how to make homemade cakes decorated with roses. After that class, I was cured. Now I  only decorate with candies, chocolate and frosting.

4. I do not understand social media.

I need a lesson on Face book, Instagram and Twitter. Any recommendations on how to create a Facebook page, etc., would be greatly appreciated.

5. I love sewing and crafts.

6. I am clean but not tidy.

7. I love to play sudoku.

Now for nominations. Here are the 15 blogs on different topics.

Please visit these wonderful blogs and show your support for our fellow bloggers!



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