Lentil Mushroom Soup

During Sheva Brachot, I served 2 soups.  This was the second soup that I served.  It can be made with either red or green lentils. I find the red lentils have a finer texture, but the green lentils are more hardy.

Lentil Mushroom Soup


1 onion

3 carrots, peeled and sliced

2 celery stalks, sliced

8 oz. mushrooms, sliced

4 bay leaves

2 cups lentils, red or green

1 tablespoon salt, to taste

Optional: pepper and or garlic, to taste. I usually do not add either, unless the vegetables are not flavorful.

Water to cover

Optional: chopped fresh cilantro or parsley to garnish


Sauté onions and mushrooms. Add lentils, bay leaves, and salt.

Add water and then bring to a boil, cover and simmer until lentils begin to soften.

Next, add the celery and carrots. Continue to simmer until done.

Adjust seasoning to taste.

In pressure cooker: bring to pressure for 5 minutes. Released the pressure quickly by running cold water over the lid when done. Then, add carrots and celery and simmer until done.

Crockpot. Add all ingredients into crockpot. Cook on low until done. If desired, add carrots and celery half way through the cooking, and then continuing cooking until done. Less water is required.

It is important to add just enough water, but not have it be too thick or too thin.

Here are the pictures:

This was another hit!  Many of our guests requested second helpings.


40 thoughts on “Lentil Mushroom Soup

  1. Pingback: bgkskalata1org
  2. Osyth says:

    I tend to mix red and green lentils to give a varied texture – but I have never made lentil soup with mushrooms. Doh! It feels like a no-brainer now that you of the greater brain than mine have given me the idea. I shall make it very soon 🙂 BTW I lost you for a while – heaven only knows what I did but anyhow I have pressed follow again so that I don’t miss a thing and hopefully will find time to catch up on the posts that passed me by very soon 🙂

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