This is one of my favorite fast and easy and yet elegant cake recipes.  It falls into my category of ‘maximum taste for minimum fuss.” It also happens to be one of Raizel’s favorites. Since yesterday was my birthday, Raizel asked me to make this for my birthday cake.

The origin of this recipe has not been confirmed. One place said that it came from an old Gold Medal Cookbook. But I have also seen the recipe attributed to a vintage Monarch Flour recipe. I have been looking at vintage cookbooks available online and I have yet to find the original recipe. If anyone finds the original source for this recipe, please let me know. I love looking at old recipes!


1 1/2 cups sugar

1 cup oil

1 1/2 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. vanilla

1 tsp. almond extract (I use vanilla extract only)

4 eggs — I used 5 medium eggs instead of 4 large eggs

3 cups flour (I use spelt)

1 can apricot, blueberry or cherry pie filling, 21 oz.


1 cup powdered sugar

1-2 tablespoons of milk (I use a plant-based milk to keep it parve)


 By hand: cream together oil, sugar, and vanilla. Add eggs until well blended. Stir in sifted together dry ingredients until blended.

 With a hand mixer: Follow the directions above.

With a food processor: Mix eggs, sugar, oil, and vanilla in food process for 1 minute. Add flour, and baking powder and pulse until just blended.

Pour 2/3 of the batter into a greased, sprayed or parchment lined pan. Spread pie filling over batter. Drop remaining batter by tablespoons over the pie filling. I am careful to always put in the corners to hold the cake together.

This can be made as cupcakes, although I usually don’t like the affect, or in any shaped pan you like. When making one large cake, I use a 9″x 13″ rectangular pan. Sometimes I divide the batter into smaller pans.

Bake in a preheated 350°F/180*C oven until done and when inserted toothpick comes out clean.

Instructions for glaze: Pour icing sugar in a bowl. Add the liquid 1 teaspoon at a time and stir until desired consistency.

Drizzle with glaze while slightly warm. I have done when it has cooled as well. It is not quite as smooth, but it still looks good.

This cake also freezes well.  

I divided the batter into 3 loaf pans. Here they are without glaze.
Here it the final outcome.

Ironically, everyone was so full from the BBQ, that no one had room for much dessert. If you try this, please let me know how it came out. 



Carol & family


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