Putting It All Together: Basic Daily Food Plans

Putting It All Together: Creating Basic Daily Food Plans

Please note: This is not to be considered medical advice. I am merely passing on information that I have accumulated over the years. Everyone is unique and has their own personal experience. For any questions or concerns, I recommend consulting your health care provider.

In my previous post, I described all the various food exchanges for each food group. Now, I am going to try and describe how to take that information, and turn it into an individualized food plan.

Please keep in mind, however, that “one size does not fit all.” A food plan depends on each person’s unique circumstances.

Depending on age, body size, activity level and metabolism, a person might need more food to sustain their energy level and to avoid physical hunger. Another person, given their unique circumstances, might need less food.

There also needs to be some flexibility. For some people, on days when they are more physically active, they might need to adjust their food intake accordingly. There are so many options! It is a live-and-learn process.

Based on my previous post on food exchanges, this is my summary of daily serving ranges for the various food groups:

Summary of Daily Recommendations

Now, taking the summary of daily recommendations, this is my summary of a rough outline of making a personalized food plan:

Basic Food Plan Correctsd


From this, it becomes possible to make your own personal food plan.

If anyone would like to create their own food plan, I created this picture to help keep track of the necessary food groups:

Create your own personalized plan of eating

For an individual meal, I created this picture to write your food plan:

Individualized Meal Plan

I hesitate to make a more concrete example for a food plan, since everyone is so unique, and has their own needs. But, for the sake of clarity, for someone who is trying to lose weight, a food plan could be:

Breakfast: 2 oz. nuts, 1/4 cup uncooked cereal, 6 oz. yogurt and 1 medium fruit.

Lunch: 3/4 cup cooked beans, 1 cup salad, 1 cup cooked vegetables and 1 tablespoon oil.

Dinner:   4 oz. chicken, 1/2 cup cooked rice, 1 cup salad, 1 cup cooked vegetables and 1 tablespoon oil.

There is an art and a science to determine the correct amount of food one requires. This is a flexible and fluid process. It depends on so many factors!

I have known people to eat 2 cups of salad for lunch and dinner as well. So, I recommend having a reasonable amount of food and then monitoring your weight on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis. Based on your progress, you can add or deduct food to your daily regime according to your results.

Writing about healthy eating for the time challenged has proven to be a daunting task!

I have a few more subtopics connected to this subject, but writing about recipes and cooking is really much more fun!

Please note: This is not to be considered medical advice. I am merely passing on information that I have accumulated over the years. Everyone is unique and has their own personal experience. For any questions or concerns, I recommend consulting your health care provider.

Here is a PDF of all the pictures and charts of this topic so far:

Cooking For The Time Challenged food plans

References: The list is endless!  I just hope that I didn’t forget anything!


















Creating A Food Plan: Serving Sizes & Food Exchanges

Creating A Food Plan: Servings Sizes and Food Exchanges

Please note: This is not to be considered medical advice. I am merely passing on information that I have accumulated over the years. Everyone is unique and has their own personal experience. For any questions or concerns, I recommend consulting your health care provider.

Over the years, nutrition has been an area of interest. I spend a lot of time helping others professionally and personally eat a healthy diet and maintain a proper body weight.

When Yaffa was a baby until age 8, she was failure to thrive and on a feeding tube. We spend a lot of time calculating every calorie, in our effort to help her grow and thrive.

Now that Raizel is a teenager, she is eating better. But, for the longest time, we struggled to achieve healthy growth and development with her too.

My husband is one of the fortunate few for whom maintaining a healthy body weight is not a struggle. But, health maintenance is a priority.

After my pregnancies, it was a struggle to find a food plan that worked for me. Pregnancy was certainly not good for my waistline!

As I was preparing to write this post, I think I inadvertently “bit off more than I could chew,” if you will pardon the pun. I have come to understand just how confusing it is to create an easy and healthy food plan. There is so much conflicting and confusing information!

The original exchange plan, developed for diabetics, and used by many weight loss programs is the easiest and healthiest food plan method to use. It is based on individual food categories, which include Grain/Starch, Protein, Fruit, Vegetables, Milk, Fat and Other Carbohydrates (includes sweets and alcohol). Within each category, one may substitute or exchange one portion of food for another.

Using this method, one can create an individualized food plan to accommodate one’s specific needs and lifestyle. Menu planning is flexible, easy and still nutritious.

Simple is best!

Principles For Healthy Eating 

I have integrated the concept of food exchanges with my own personal views of health and well-being.

As I listed above in my picture, I believe that healthy eating includes:

・Balancing intake in all food groups

・Little or no refined sugars or flours

・Using whole grains

・No artificial flavors, sweeteners,

・No dyes, additives or preservatives

・No hydrogenated oils/fats

・Limiting animal protein to <6 oz./day

In my experience, white flour and sugar affect the mood and feelings of well-being in people who are sensitive. I call this being “carbohydrate sensitive.” For “carbohydrate sensitive” people, refined flour, sugar and even fruit can trigger mood swings. Therefore, in my food exchange lists, I have calculated serving sizes based on whether or not someone is carbohydrate sensitive or not.  For ease, I suggest sticking to either one or the other and to be consistent.

I am a slightly carbohydrate sensitive person. I personally avoid refined sugar and flour. For this reason, I also prefer to eat vegetables over fruit. I believe that this has made a world of difference for me. I attribute part of my ability to cope with the stress of having special needs children to my diet.

Other people find it difficult to digest fat. For this reason, I believe in eating healthy, preferably unsaturated fats. We do not eat  products with partially-hydrogenated fats/oils.

My daughter used to be on the Feingold Diet. From this, we learned to eliminate dyes, additives, preservatives and artificial flavors including artificial sweeteners from our diet. In people who are sensitive, artificial flavors, dyes and preservative function as what I call “neurotoxins.”  I loved the Feingold Diet. I found that it did wonders for my daughter!

Finally, I believe in limiting animal protein– eggs, fish, poultry and meat to no more than 6 oz. per day. Other protein sources should be plant-based or dairy.

Personally, I am allergic to dairy, and I use milk from other sources.

I think that I want a little over board, but, I made the pictures to help clarify what the choices are within each food category.


Dairy Servings



• 1-3 servings/day (optional)

• Are you carb sensitive?

• If yes, then 1 serving is:

– 8 oz milk

– 6 oz yogurt

If NOT carb sensitive, 1 serving is:

– 8 oz milk/ 6 oz. yogurt

– 4 oz. cottage cheese,

– 2 oz. hard cheese.



Protein subtle


• 6-13 or more servings /day

• Limit animal protein to 3-6 oz./day

• Are you carb sensitive?

• IF NOT THEN: 1 oz. fish, chicken , cottage cheese, meat, 1 egg, 1.5 oz. tofu/cooked beans, ½ oz. nuts, ½ oz. hard cheese

• IF YES THEN 1 serving is 1 oz. chicken, fish or meat, 1 egg, 2 oz. cottage cheese or ricotta cheese, ¼ cup or 2 oz. cooked beans, 1 oz. regular tofu or 2 oz. soft/silken tofu, 1 Tbs. peanut butter, 1 oz. nuts & hard cheese = 2 oz. protein

• Super Carb Sensitive? Count legumes as a carbohydrate

• In this diet, red meat is eaten no more than 1/week; chicken, fish & eggs are eaten 2-3 times per week. Therefore,1-2 meals /day must be vegan or plant-based.


Grain Servings Suble


• 1-8 servings/day

• 1 serving is 1 oz. raw cereal or grain

• Are you carb sensitive?

• Not carb sensitive then 1 serving is 1 slice bread, ½ cooked pasta, potatoes, rice, 1 oz. dry cereal, 4 oz. cooked potatoes, yams; 3 oz. cooked grains

• Carb sensitive: ½ cup cooked corn, peas, winter squash and other starchy vegetables

• Super carb sensitive? ½ cup (4 oz.) beans as a starch, rather than a protein.

• Recommend whole grains and limited refined flours. And recommend whole grain cereal, bread and pasta.

Vegetable Servings Subtle outline



• 4-8 servings/day

• 1 serving is: 1 cup (4 oz. weighed) raw vegetables or ½ cup (3 oz. weighed) cook vegetables.

• Are you carb sensitive?

• IF NOT then include starchy vegetables, i.e., corn, peas, and winter squash as vegetable servings.

• If yes, then consume only low-starch vegetables as vegetable servings.

• If carb sensitive, then count peas, corn and winter squash as a starch/grain serving.

• Eat a variety of colors and types; include dark, leafy green vegetables daily.

Fruit Servings Subtle


• 1-5 Servings/day

• 1 serving is 6 oz. (1 cup) of cut-up fresh fruit.

• ¾ cups or 6 oz. frozen, unsweetened fruit (after thawing)

• 2 oz. dried fruit (use sparingly)

• 1 moderate piece of fruit

• ½ cup canned fruit packed in its own juices

• Are you carb sensitive? Avoid cherries, grapes, pineapple, bananas & dried fruit

• Can substitute 1 fruit for 2 vegetable servings.

• Eat a variety of colors and types.

Fat Servings Subltle


• 2 – 3 servings/day

• 1 serving is 1 Tablespoon or .5 oz and equals 15-21 grams of fat

• Other sources of fat: 2 oz. avocado, 2 Tbs. cream cheese, 2 Tbs. shredded coconut, 1 Tbs. mayonnaise

• Use unsaturated fat or oil. Avoid saturated fats like margarine and butter.

Other food groups subtle

Other food groups

Alcohol (optional)

• 1 serving/day for women

• 2 servings/day for men

​​This is optional and considered a grain or sugar.

Sugar (optional)

• 0-5 servings per week

• 1 Tbs. sugar, jelly, jam, ½ cup sorbet and ices, 1 cup lemonade

• Use sparingly

Putting It All Together: I have more data and information on daily food requirements and creating your own food plan, but, I believe in not overwhelming people with too much information. So, I will post more on this later.

Thank you all for reading this! I know that it was a lot of information.

References: There are more, but this is a beginning

















Please note: This is not to be considered medical advice. I am merely passing on information that I have accumulated over the years. Everyone is unique and has their own personal experience. For any questions or concerns, I recommend consulting your health care provider.