The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

I am still learning the social rules and niceties for blogging. So, when Nell from “I need a feed!” nominated me for the Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award, I felt awed.

When I started posting my recipes, I never thought that it would lead to having so much fun and connecting to such a friendly and diverse group of wonderful people. It is even all the more startling, as this blog has only been really active since May. Nell, thank you for your vote of confidence and support.

I am not quite sure what is involved, and there seem to be a variety of rules.

However, this is what I think are the rules:

  1. Thank and link the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Put the award logo on your blog.
  3. Answer the questions the nominator has provided
  4. Nominate at least 3 other bloggers
  5. Create 5 questions for your nominees and notify them of their nomination.

So, thank you again Nell for nominating my blog!

Nell has a beautiful blog full of delicious gluten free and dairy free recipes. She has a true passion for what she creates.

Please visit Nell’s blog and see for yourself at

Deliciouslynell has continued the tradition set by the person who nominated her, Mutsumi of Sakura Junction and asked me these questions:

  1. What do you do to keep fit?

Physical fitness: At the moment, my only exercise is jumping to conclusions pushing my luck, and carrying too much weight on my shoulders.

Physical exercise is a challenge for me, and I am time challenged as well. So, I do stretches before I meditate and occasionally do an easy exercise DVD. Fortunately, my job is not sedentary and I also carry my daughter Yaffa up and down the stairs. What can I say? Cute gets you far.

Mental fitness: I meditate for a minimum of 15 minutes a day and I have a daily writing exercise on for looking for the good and focusing on gratitude and appreciation.

Spiritually: I pray.

  1. Which do you prefer living by the sea or in a mountain?

I prefer the mountains. As a family, we go hiking in the Laurentian and White Mountains during the summer.

  1. What is your guilty pleasure?

I love to do nothing, sit on my porch swing and watch the world go by.

  1. If you can be a character in a film which character/film you want to be?

The movies I watch tend to be Disney related, with my daughters. So, I guess I would be a Disney princess! I am grateful to have met my Prince Charming.

  1. What is the craziest thing you have ever done in your life?

My life tends to be crazy all the time. I work in mental health, so “normal” is a relative term. I would say going to acupuncture school was the craziest thing I ever did. I made the decision and within a week, moved, got a job and a place to live and voila, I became an acupuncturist!

And now for the nominees….

Lynz Real Cooking Lynn’s recipes are wonderful and I love her stories about her life.  Please visit her blog at:

Osyth at Half Baked In Paradise I love her lyrical writing and cross cultural perspective.

Serenaglow: Serena talks about many of my favorite subjects on healthy living and lifestyle.

Itsgoodtobecrazysometimes This blog is not my standard food and healthy living blog. However, I feel that the writer is talking about a very important subject, living with mental illness, and I appreciate and admire her bravery.

Lauren at My non-toxic life. Again, Lauren writes on all of my favorite topics with a passion and enthusiasm for a healthyliving style 

About Me

Ros at Cooking up the pantry is another great site. She has great recipes that are varied and healthy!


Now in terms of those questions…I can’t help it, I am in mental health. So, for my nominees I am going to ask:

  1. What makes you smile?
  2. If you could have dinner with anyone, past present or future — who would it be and why?
  3. If you joined the circus, what act would you most want to perform?
  4. What is your favorite quote or motto?
  5. What activities make you lose track of time?

9 thoughts on “The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

  1. Osyth says:

    Lovely post and love the insight to you via your answers (I will forever now wonder WHICH Disney princess you are!) I’m also very flattered to receive a nomination and will try to do it justice and thrilled to have more lovely blogs to explore. Congratulations on your nomination – it is richly deserved … I love your blog and so enjoy your recipes and posts 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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