DIY Anti-Frizz Hair Spritzer 

I am into fast, easy, all natural, healthy, kosher cooking AND living.

This past Shabbat, Aunty Elle, my sister-in-law came over. We were very excited! She was our first guest in our new home.

The weather, however, was hot and humid. 

Raizel, Aunty Elle and I all have different types of curly hair. In humid weather, our hair becomes hopelessly frizzy.

Aunty Elle bought herself an expensive hair spritzer to make her hair less frizzy.

When I heard how expensive it was, I just about fell over. I thought, “why not adapt my DIY hair conditioner to use as leave in conditioner?”

This is my first attempt at making anti-frizz hair spritzer, or leave in conditioner. 


2/3 cup boiled water (distilled is better, but I didn’t have it handy)

1/4 teaspoon coconut oil, melted 

1/2 teaspoon xanthum gum

Optional: essential oil of your choice.


Place water, oil and xanthum gum in container. Blend until thickened with immersion blender. Store in spritz bottle.

I used it on Raizel this morning and it worked well. 

Aunty Elle said that it worked really well too. She said that her hair was soft and manageable. 

The disadvantage was that her hair was less stiff than with the commercial product. 

The advantages were: no additives, dyes, chemicals or preservatives. 

In addition it is also environmentally friendly, biodegradable and economical. 

I think that is definitely worth it!

It is possible to add essential oils, for an aromatheraputic effect. 

I personally do like like perfume. But, it could be easily added, according to your preference.

Here are 2 pictures:

final outcome, ingredients and supplies

first batch that I gave to Aunty Elle

I am giving out samples to my co-workers and our therapists.

So far, everyone likes it. Dawn, Raizel’s therapist says, “I can work with this.”

I am on a roll!



This is the original link to the post on DIY homemade conditioner:

Homemade Conditioner

34 thoughts on “DIY Anti-Frizz Hair Spritzer 

  1. CHCooks says:

    This is great Carol.. I would love to give this a try but I’m not sure I can find xanthum gum here. Any other alternative?
    By the way I have moderately straight hair and yet it gets so frizzy. I can’t oil it every day due to the climate here so I usually stick to a leave on conditioner.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Doctor Jonathan says:

    Great to see your ingenuity in progress. A product like this is so much safer than the products we see on the shelves in the stores.

    Since I seemed to have misplace the hair that used to reside on the center of the top of my head, I’m hoping your next product will replace that which I seemed to have lost! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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