Pan Seared Tuna Steaks

Pan Seared Tuna Steaks

Please excuse the double posting of this recipe.

For some reason, I posted this recipe today, but, rather than posting with today’s date, it backdated it.

In the past, when this occurred, it caused an error message.

So, I am posting it again, in an attempt to help fix the error.

Just in case, this is the link to the post that accidentally was backdated:

Pan Seared Tuna Steaks

During the 9 Days, I learned how to cook fresh tuna steaks successfully for the first time.

In the past, I have only rarely tried to make fresh tuna. And, the few times when I did, it came out very dry and without flavor.

This time, I searched online for how to cook fresh tuna.

I think that it really helped me to understand how to cook fresh tuna better.

In addition, I used the stovetop grill on our new stove. Everything tastes better grilled on cast iron.

This recipe is based on the sites that I found, and the links are posted below.

According to what I read online, the key to grilling fresh tuna is to only cook it for 4-6 minutes per 1/2 inch stake.

Since I was concerned about over cooking it, I only cooked it for 4 minutes per side.

I have discovered that cooking tuna is a little like cooking a medium steak: you want to have a layer of pink inside.


1 tablespoon fennel

1 tablespoon coriander

1 teaspoon pepper

1 teaspoon salt

Lemon juice

Spray oil


Blend spices together. I do not have a mortar and pestle so I used a wooden rolling pin and crushed the spices.

Heat grill on high. Spray oil the grill. When hot, place fish on grill, 4 minutes per side.

When done, add lemon juice and fresh herbs.

I set the timer for 4 minutes and I really think that’s what made the difference. Rather than guessing, it made it more precise and hopefully more predictable outcome.


Seasoning the tuna before cooking



Cooking the first side on the griddle

Cooking the first side on the griddle

Successfully flipped over and cooking the second side.

Successfully flipped over and cooking the second side.

Voila! The final product.

Voila! The final product.


My husband said, “This is fantastic! You totally nailed it!”

He also said, “This is the most perfect way to grill tuna.”

A ringing endorsement. This recipe is definitely husband approved.



This was where I learned how to cook fresh tuna and where I got the recipe from:


27 thoughts on “Pan Seared Tuna Steaks

  1. Sheryl says:

    The “husband approved seal” is so much fun – and a wonderful indicator of how tasty the tuna steaks are. I’m also a big fan cast iron cookware. My nested vintage cast iron frying pans are my go-to frying pans.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Cooking For The Time Challenged says:

      After the zucchini tofu incident, I thought I would start with a husband approved category. Now I am thinking of adding a eating system for everyone.😉 It is occasionally a challenge to meet everyone’s individual preferences and I do not want to have to make multiple dishes, if I can help it. Your cast iron pans sound wonderful! As they are older, do they cook differently once they are well seasoned?


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