Food For Thought -Quote Challenge Day 1

I was nominated by Jenny Marie for a 3 day quote challenge.

I am accepting this 3 day quote challenge, and including a quote about food or eating each day, to stay slightly on topic. 

Thank you Jenny Marie at Peace from Panic | One Mom’s Journey Helping Her Child Through Anxiety for nominating me for this challenge. 

Please check out Jenny Marie’s blog:

Jenny Marie is a beautiful writer who touches on many meaningful and inspiring themes that are near and dear to my heart. Many have moved me to laughter and tears.

Here are the rules:

Post for three consecutive days

Posts can be one or three quotes per day

Nominate three different blogs per day

I am going to follow Jenny Marie’s plan and nominate bloggers on my third day, which will have to be Saturday night, after Shabbat is over.

Below are 2 quotes that are near and dear to my heart. One was a gift that I made with my friend Reitza Sarah, for our friend Aviva. Aviva leads a beautiful class that we are both a part of. I am posting it here as it encapsulates many of my core values and beliefs:


In the center it says “ein od milvado” which translates as “there is none besides Him.” Ein od milvado is a segula or a protective phrase that shields a person from danger. 

This is one of my favorite quotes, that is also on my About page:

Finally, here is a food quote:



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