DIY Deodorants and Magnesium Oil

Basic Formula for DIY Deodorants with and Without Baking Soda

I am time challenged person who seeks to live a balanced and sane life. My passion for fast and easy all natural healthy kosher cooking also includes a passion for DIY fast, easy and all natural beauty and cleaning products too. When I go on my periodic all-natural kicks, I am only willing to use DIY beauty products if they are easy, economical and effective.

In addition to my facial scrub and hair conditioner, I also make DIY deodorant.

Super-Fast and Easy DIY Deodorant

This is the recipe that I posted earlier. I call it my “In A Pinch Solution.”


1 part baking soda

1 part starch: corn, potato, tapioca, etc.


Blend together and store in glass jar. Apply with makeup brush or sponge while still slightly damp from bathing.


Make using equal parts of both.


Carol’s Basic DIY Deodorant Powder

When I first began using DIY deodorant, I used just plain baking soda. Unfortunately, I found it very abrasive for my skin. Over the years, I have developed this recipe which is practical, easy and works! Afterall, if it is not practical, then I can’t sweat it, if you will pardon the pun.


1/2 cup baking soda

1/2 cup starch

1 or 2 tablespoons clay powder

1-3 teaspoons activated charcoal

Optional: coconut oil to right consistency (about ½ cup)

Optional: 5-10 drops of essential oil of your choice, i.e., tea tree, peppermint, lavender, sandalwood


Blend together and store in glass jar. Apply with makeup brush or sponge while still slightly damp from bathing.

If you prefer to apply as a cream or a stick, slowly mix coconut oil into the powder until desired consistency. Personally, I find the powder faster and lower maintenance.  However, lots of people find a cream easier to apply. So, try it both ways and decide for yourself!

I have been using this for over a year and I can honestly say that it works!

My husband jokes — “if all else fails, you can eat it too!”

After I made my regular deodorant, one of my daughter’s therapists, Lynette, told me that she always wanted to use DIY deodorant, but, she is allergic to baking soda.

I figured that she could not be the only person who reacts to baking soda, so I went on line to try and find a DIY deodorant without baking soda that meets my criteria of easy, effective and economical. I am happy to say that I have created my first batch, and it really works too!

The downside is that it is slightly less effective than the one with baking soda. I found that it only works for 12 hours. After that, I found that I needed to reapply either the powder or the spray.

These deodorants are not antiperspirants. So, you will still sweat, but, you will not smell offensive. Sweating, however, it a good thing. It helps to release toxins and is necessary for proper temperature regulation.

Carol’s First Attempt at DIY Deodorant Powder without Baking Soda


1/2 cup starch

1/2 cup clay powder (you can use only 1 or 2 tablespoons clay powder, if you want)

1- 2 teaspoons finely ground natural salt (I used pink Himalayan salt)

2 -3 teaspoons finely ground Epsom salt or Magnesium oil (more on this later)

Optional: 1-3 teaspoons activated charcoal

Optional: 5-10 drops of essential oil of your choice, i.e., tea tree, peppermint, lavender, sandalwood, etc. The list is up to your creativity and personal preferences.


Blend together and store in glass jar. Apply with makeup brush or sponge while still slightly damp from bathing.

Carol’s First Attempt at DIY Deodorant Spray without Baking Soda


1 tablespoon Epsom salt or Magnesium oil (more on this later)

1 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar

2 tablespoons Witch Hazel

2 tablespoons Vodka/alcohol spirits up to 120 proof (the higher the alcohol content, the stronger it works: 70-90 low; 90-120 medium; 120+ strong)

1/8 teaspoon (a “pinch”) natural salt (I used pink Himalayan salt)

Optional: 5-10 drops of essential oil of your choice, i.e., tea tree, peppermint, lavender, sandalwood, etc. The list is up to your creativity and personal preferences.


Mix together the ingredients and store in glass jar or spray bottle. Shake before using and apply using your fingers (assuming they are clean and you are not sharing the jar with anyone) or spray under arms while still slightly damp from bathing.

For some reason, I found it better to first apply the spray, and then apply the powder too. Then, in the morning, I would just apply the powder.

I am not including a picture, since it is a clear liquid.

Overall, I was very pleased with the outcome. I am going to share it with Lynette now too.

DIY Magnesium Oil

In the process of learning about no-baking soda deodorants, I learned about magnesium oil and its many health benefits. There is a ton of information available on line, so I am not going to repeat myself here.

I thought, however, that it might be helpful to include various infographics that I found on line to explain the benefits of the various ingredients. At the end of this post, I am also including various sites which include information about magnesium, and other sites to explore DIY beauty products.

Apparently, it is very difficult to get enough magnesium intracellularly through food, as the soil today is more depleted than in the past. And, one of the best ways to obtain magnesium is through the skin, or transdermally.

DIY Magnesium Oil

1/2 cup filtered water

1/2 cup magnesium chloride flakes

Basically, the ratio is 1:1 water to magnesium chloride flakes


Bring the water to a boil in a non-aluminum saucepan. Turn off the heat and stir in the magnesium flakes until dissolved. When cool, pour into a spray bottle or glass jar. No refrigeration is necessary.

Spray directly on the skin, and rotate the site to different parts of your body and rub lightly until it is absorbed.  Use anywhere from 10-30 sprays per day.

Results so far:

I wanted to share with everyone that using magnesium oil daily has so far changed our lives.

For over a year, Yaffa has unfortunately had a chronic staph and strep infection on her skin. She completed several rounds of antibiotics. Despite also washing her with betadine solution, nothing seemed to be helping.


So, I started to give her Epsom salt or magnesium chloride baths, and spraying magnesium oil on the lesion twice a day. It was miraculous! Her infection is finally better and starting to resolve!

Since Raizel became sick, she has been complaining of chronic fatigue.  We have gone to so many doctors and had so many blood tests. Nothing seemed to explain her symptoms. So, I started spraying magnesium oil on her twice a day too and another miracle occurred! Her fatigue is lifting, and every day she feels better and better. Raizel even notices how much better she feels. It has been quite dramatic.

Finally, I have developed psoriasis, probably due to all my stress. Despite all my efforts, nothing seemed to really help. I too have started using the magnesium oil twice a day, and no more itching! I am so happy!

So, I highly recommend using magnesium oil, assuming you are otherwise healthy. Any questions or concerns, please consult your health care provider.


These are 2 of my all-time favorite sites to explore DIY everything:

Homemade Natural DIY Deodorant – Recipes – Powder – Cream – Spray – on and on

Simple and Effective Homemade Deodorant Spray


DIY Spice Blends — The Frugal Hausfrau



I usually feel compelled to write one original post a week. However, the joy of blogging is that we all can benefit from each other too. Why reinvent the wheel?

I love to make my own DIY spice blends. Somehow, I feel like they taste better and that the food tastes better too.

So, I just had to share this wonderful post on making your own spice blends by The Frugal Hausfrau. I love it!

Please check out this wonderful blog The Frugal!

I am a fan.

<a href=””></a&gt;


2016/2017 TAG!

2016/2017 TAG!

Normally, I am too time challenged to respond to blogging awards. Fortunately, today is a national holiday, so I am home. This means, I have an opportunity to complete and respond promptly.

To all the people who have so graciously nominated me in the past, please forgive my tardiness. I am truly time challenged. I consider the very existence of this blog to be an open miracle.

Today, I was so touched to be tagged by My Lighthearted Kitchen from her blog, for the 2016/2017 Tag!

Please check out her lifestyle and cooking blog where she shares her recipes, thoughts and musings about being a vegan, life-loving human being!

Here is the link to her blog:

The questions, I am afraid are a little bit difficult. But, my rule is, “if I have to think too much about it, then I can’t do it.” So, I will answer the first thought that pops in my mind, and assume that it is the right answer.

The tag was created by David from The Guy Who Said Always No. I love the title of his blog. It shows a great sense of humor!

Please show your support and visit both of these wonderful blogs.




Time challenged, intense and full of change.


There have been so many people who have been so generous and helpful this year. I could never limit it to only 2 people.

First of all, we moved. But, the neighbors from our old street were so wonderful and supportive. We miss everyone so much!

In particular, I must mention “The Mayor” of the block, whose kindness, warmth and caring are a source of inspiration. He, and his wife and children set a beautiful example for not only the block, but for anyone and everyone who has the privilege to be connected to them.

Secondly, my husband’s life was saved by 2 doctors in particular and many other people in the synagogue where we prayed. Are there ever enough words to acknowledge the miracle of a life saved?

Two more people who I feel so grateful towards are the youth group leaders at that synagogue, Marvin and Divsha. This wonderful couple were so caring and kind to both my daughters. They gave my girls a sense of place in this world that I so greatly appreciate and treasure.

All of these people and so many others have touched my heart this year. The wellspring of gratitude that I feel for all these people is ever-flowing and infinite.


I know that this answer is evading the question, but, every place is beautiful.  One of my greatest pleasures was to sit on my glider and watch the sun rise in the morning. Another great joy was to sit on our front porch swing and watch the people walk by, especially when it rained.


Anything made by my mother and sister was completely awesome! My sister made a BBQ turkey that was truly memorable!


On a personal level, moving was a very significant personal event. I am still adjusting and transitioning to the change.

On a national level, the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States was of great significance. It is a topic of conversation at work and throughout our society. We are all on a journey and it remains to be seen where all of this will lead.

Inspired by my patients, I pray for the success and ongoing strength of this new administration, this country and the world. May we all be blessed with peace, joy, good health and abundance.


 We bought a new house. That was a significant and huge undertaking! 


  • Meditate daily
  • Spend a set amount of time daily for self-care and relaxation. Blogging is included in this category
  • Pause before responding when aggravated or upset.
  • Learn how to use Facebook (OK, this was 4, but who is counting?


I love going home to Toronto and visiting with my mother and childhood friends.


Hmmmm…. This is not so important to me. I would love to learn how to make soap (this is not edible) and make time to do more sewing.

The wonderful people I would like to tag are:  (I am afraid that I do not know how to make short links. Maybe I should make that another goal for 2017?)

Monica at One Way To Health — A budget friendly journey to a healthier and happier you.

Ruta at Estonian Cuisine who blogs about easy and delicious Estonian food at

Elizabeth at the comfortable coop, who is so supportive and down to earth at

Sugasuga and her blog Loaf Lusters, who writes about the adventures of a broke foodie at

Kathryn at Another Foodie Blogger, who blogs on simple gourmet food at

Susie at SusieShy45 at

Another blogger who writes on many of my favorite topics.

Jessica at Unmeasured Journey at Very thoughtful writing, and I love her blog name!

Bruce at sportsattitudes at  Bruce writes about sports and so much more. He is the only person who I know who can make sports sound interesting and meaningful to a non-sports person like me.

Sarah & Choppy at I love her stories and her pictures! She has a wonderful sense of humor and pictures.


Thank you all for participating and reading this post! Please check out these blogs and show your support for our beautiful fellow bloggers.

May this year be a year of inspiration, creativity, and love.

Many blessings for peace,

Carol and family




February 2017 Share and Inspire Others! BREAD – SWEET AND SAVORY

Sharing is caring. Please check out this wonderful post on various bread recipes by our fellow bloggers. Enjoy!



I know, I know, I am early in releasing this post, but look at all the wonderful recipes we received for our Februay 2017 Share and Inspire Others!  BREAD – SWEET AND SAVORY Recipe Exchange.  I just had to share this immediately with you all!!  Thanks again for all the awesome entries.

Remember to check out my blog as the new theme for March will be released on 1st March.

All participants, have time from now up untill midnight February 20th, to Promote and do a post/reblog on your own blog, linking back to this post.

Posted in order of emails received:

Crunchy cinnamon apple French toast roll ups courtesy of cookwithsmileblog
Make your morning breakfast more interesting. Kids will love this.trh-crunchy-cinnamon-apple-french-toast-roll-upsThin crust Bread pizza on Stove top  courtesy of cookwithsmileblog
Craving for Pizza? Can’t wait too long? Try this quick thin crust Bread pizza. This can be ready within minutes with handful of…

View original post 1,108 more words

February 2017 Share and Inspire Others!

Hi Everyone!

Recipes are like food and meant to be shared and enjoyed with others.

Please share your beloved tried and true sweet and savory bread recipes with the recipe hunter.

Sharing is caring.

With blessings,


Our theme for February 2017



If you need, check out the How to Participate  in our Share and Inspire Others! Monthly Exchange, but please  trh-come-backTimeframe:
February 1st
Theme will be announced and published on The Recipe Hunter blog.
February 10thSubmissions need to be received via email @
February 15th –Release of all entries from participants on The Recipe Hunter blog.
February 20thPromote and do a post/reblog on your own blog, linking back to the original post.

Remember, the subject line of your email, should be marked as follows:

February 2017 – BREAD – SWEET AND SAVORY

The TRIED AND TESTED recipe/s (maximum of 5 per blogger) you wish to  submit, can be a previously prepared recipe you already have on your blog.  No need to have made it yesterday, or last week.  As long…

View original post 104 more words

Braised Beets Reposted 

My dates on my phone are incorrect, so I am attempting to post this again. Sorry for any confusion.

Adjusting to new circumstances and challenges require perseverance and a sincere resolve to be …

beets,fast and easy,husband,food processor,children and small kitchen approved,side dish

Braised Beets


Zucchini Tofu Napoleon — Joint Post

Zucchini Tofu Napoleon

The blogging world has opened up so many new culinary opportunities.

The beauty of blogging is that I get to virtually visit the kitchens of people all over the world and then adapt the recipes to suite my family’s taste. Hence, I recently posted a recipe which I called Lentils Napoleon. Here is the link:

I adapted the recipe based on The Eggplant Napoleon recipe posted by Dolly, who is behind the apron of

Here is the link to her wonderful blog:

Here is the link for her post on Eggplant Napoleon:

Eggplant Napoleon

However, I must apologize for an inadvertent culinary faux pas: Lentils Napoleon is really a misnomer.

Through this joint post, I have learned that my lentil dish should have been named Lentils with Cumin and Sumac.

And, how did I learn this?

Because Dolly, who is a dedicated teacher, kindly reminded me that “Napoleon” really refers to anything baked in thin layers interspersed with something creamy.

My lentil dish was certainly not that. I simply liked the spices she used and thought I would use lentils instead.

BUT, my malapropism has led to this current hands-on learning experience.  Dolly is a genuine educator: she suggested that we do a joint post on a “real” Lentils Napoleon.

Our goal is to post as simultaneously as possible both of our recipes, using the culinary concept of layering vegetables interspersed with something creamy, the real culinary definition of Napoleon-style dishes.

Here is the link to Dolly’s post on Beets and Beans Napoleon. I am sorry but I don’t know how to make a short link:

Beets and Beans Napoleon – koolkosherkitchen

Beets and Beans Napoleon

For me, this has been a real opportunity to see how unique we all are.  We infuse our own special spark into everything we do.

Our own special spark

Raizel’s painting from camp.

Based on a more careful reading of Dolly’s post, and some online research, I discovered that Wolfgang Puck, the original creator of Beets Napoleon, used goat cheese between layers of beets.

For this post, I decided to use thinly sliced zucchini between a tofu-lentil creamy layer.  I thought that tofu, with a dash of vinegar, would recreate a more goat cheese-like texture. In addition, I had run out of lentils, and I didn’t feel like shopping for more.

Raizel was my hands-on helper in this activity. She came home from camp this week, and was very excited when I suggested we make this dish for our joint post.

Raizel helped with the actual cooking, and she also took some of the photos. Raizel has a unique gift for coming up with recipes that are often quite good. But, photography is one of her passions; and of course, she loved using my phone as a camera!

Lentil-Tofu Napoleon


For Tofu-Lentil Layer:

1 lbs. firm tofu

Spice mix:

1 tablespoon garlic salt

1-2 teaspoons garlic power

1 teaspoon pepper, and cumin

½ teaspoon coriander, and sumac

¼ teaspoon cinnamon

Optional: 1/8 teaspoon red pepper flakes

Optional: fresh cilantro

Optional: Leftover Napoleon Lentils

Vinegar to taste, in order to get a slightly tangy taste for the tofu. I used red wine vinegar, but I think that apple cider vinegar would be good too.

Vegetable Layer:

3 Zucchini, sliced thinly

2 cloves garlic, crushed

Salt and pepper to taste.


Lentil Tofu Creamy layer: Slice the tofu about 5 mm thick and sprinkle spices on top. Spray oil grill, and cook the tofu until done.

I took the leftover lentils from when I first posted the recipe and pureed it together with the tofu and added the vinegar.

The vinegar gives it a nice tang and a creamy texture.

Then I adjusted the seasoning.

Raizel said, “It looks terrible but it tastes great.”

Vegetable layer: Slice the zucchini is thin slices. I have a wonderful compact grater/slicer that I used. It is very sharp and is able to slice 2 different thickness. It also has 3 blades for various grating. Raizel actually sliced the zucchini and she did it very well!

Sauté zucchini in pan, sprayed with olive oil. Add crushed garlic and salt and pepper to taste.

Preheat oven to 350*F.

Layer zucchini in a small, lightly oiled dish. Next add layer of tofu-lentils, and continuing layering until near the top. Top layer should be of zucchini.

Bake covered for 20 minutes or until cooked.

I made this in individual servings. I think that it could be made in a larger pan, and then sliced when cooked. However, it might be difficult to  maintain the desired layered look. Wolfgang Puck, I believe, used a cookie cutter to get a uniform and attractive serving portion.

Serve with chopped fresh cilantro if desired.

Here are the pictures. Since I made it with Raizel and she likes photography, we took quite a few.


Tofu marinating with the spices.

Raizel slicing the zucchini. Go Raizel!

Sauteing the zucchini.

Raizel placing the tofu on the grill.

Raizel cooked the tofu by herself!

Pureeing the tofu

Ready to cook!

Voila! The final product!


The verdict:  The recipe objectively came out great. However, subjectively, is was not well received.

After it was so beautifully prepared, my husband reminded me that he does not like anything creamy. Raizel, who was very excited and very enthusiastic during the whole process, also didn’t eat it. Despite her protestations, Raizel does not like anything creamy either.

In the end, I was the only one who ate it. I thought it tasted great.

I also ate the leftover tofu “cream” during the week, as a spread on rice cakes.

Overall, I would say that this recipe is delicious, but for someone else’s family.

What did I learn?

I have my own song in the kitchen. 

Everyone has their own song.

For my family, simple is best.

Finally, I had lots of fun discussing and planning this with Dolly. We had a bonding experience!Thank you Dolly!



Soft Baked Pretzels – Use Your Bread Maker to Do All the Work!!! — Inside Kel’s Kitchen

I got a great response to my earlier post on making pizza crust dough in the bread maker. In talking to one of my food blog friends, the topic of pretzels came up. I shared that I also have a recipe for making pretzel dough in the bread maker. Those bread makers are a work […]

via Soft Baked Pretzels – Use Your Bread Maker to Do All the Work!!! — Inside Kel’s Kitchen

I am trying to learn how to reblog posts like I like, and I am afraid that I hit the send button too quickly.

I realize that Passover is starting on Friday night, so naturally, I will not be making this any time soon.

But, I love my bread machine and together with Kel’s pizza dough, after Passover I am looking to make both these wonderful recipes soon.

Please check out Kel’s Kitchen. I love her blog!