Off Topic: Snow In The City

Today was a snow day. We all stayed home and had a bonding experience.

My friend Mindy’s husband took this video of the streets of New York “aka the city” today. His commentary is hilarious. I just had to share it!

I have never tried to post a video before, so I hope it works!

Spring is around the corner!

I am trying to think warm thoughts and visualize the positive.


The Blog-aholic Award


For whatever reasons, I am inspired to respond to some of the wonderful blog awards from other bloggers in our wonderful blogging community.  I would like to say a great big “Thank you” to Miriam, from who has graciously nominated me for the The Blog-aholic Award.

Miriam has a blog very similar to mine. A young American-Israeli mother, Miriam writes about cooking fresh, delicious and seasonal dishes on a budget in a small kitchen with limited time.  It is nice to know that there are other people who share my passion for healthy, all natural fast and easy cooking. Please check out her blog and show her your support. You will not be disappointed!

Here is the link to her blog:

Blogaholic Award Nomination

I always think of blogging awards as a good way to practice team work and build esprit de corps. Miriam, however, has a wonderful way of describing blogging awards. She calls blogging awards “blogger tag,” as their function to increase site traffic. I like that explanation!

Good play skills are important. My mother always says that “recess” is the most important class at school. I guess I am “it.”


What is The Blog-aholic Award?

“The Blog-aholic Award” is an award created by Esme, The Recipe Hunter, for bloggers addicted to blogging with creative, ingenious and inspiring posts. They “mesmerize their followers with their posts, keep them captivated and riveted to their blog.” The Blog-aholic Award is also for bloggers who “Share and Inspire Others!” The Recipe Hunter (Cook & Enjoy)

Please also show your support to Esme. Esme is a leader in sharing, caring and playing “tag” with other bloggers.  The cohesiveness of our blogging  community is in part due to her (and naturally many others’) efforts.

Thank you Miriam and Esme!


  1. Put the above award logo/image on your blog
  2. List the rules
  3. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog (it can be to the post in which they nominated you or any other post or you can even link to their “About” page)
  4. Mention the creator The Recipe Hunter (Cook & Enjoy) of this award and please provide a link or pingback
  5. Write a post to show your award
  6. Share a link to your best post(s)
  7. Share 3 interesting and different facts about yourself
  8. Nominate 5-10 fellow bloggers, or more if you wish. Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.

Now that I am reading the award rules more closely, I am very humbled by this award. Frankly, I consider my blog to be very simple and homespun. My goal is just to organize my recipes and share them with others. I am so grateful to everyone for your positive warmth and support. I am always amazed at how friendly everyone is. Thank you all!

Here are my answers:

Rule number 6 is share a link to my best post.

The world of blogging is full of surprises. Unexpectedly, my most viewed post is Roasted Beets Without Foil.

My post that received the most “likes”: My About Page.

The next part of the award is to share 3 interesting and different facts about myself. I thought I would answer the following questions:

If money was no object, what would you do all day?

I am great at keeping myself busy and productive!

If money was no object, I would devote myself to my children and community, including this wonderful blogging community.

With unlimited resources, I would love to go back to school to become a nurse practitioner.

I would also love to follow my passions and spend more time advocating on behalf of people with special needs and those with mental illness.

However, I could also see myself continuing to work. I am blessed to have a meaningful job which I enjoy. My patients are awesome!

What are your hobbies?

I love the domestic arts: sewing, knitting, and of course cooking.

Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house?

Out of the 3 choices, I would rather wash dishes. I am very particular about how I clean dishes. I think I like playing with water too. Yard work is not my thing as I am afraid of insects and worms. As for vacuuming, I always say, “there are cookers and there are cleaners.” I am definitely not a cleaner, but I admire and appreciate cleanliness.

Since I’m “it,” now it’s my turn to tag 5 more bloggers. 

In no particular order:

Joelle at

Love and Umami at

Anjali Dhawan at

RD healthy at

Felicia at

Please show your support to these wonderful blogs!




2016/2017 TAG!

2016/2017 TAG!

Normally, I am too time challenged to respond to blogging awards. Fortunately, today is a national holiday, so I am home. This means, I have an opportunity to complete and respond promptly.

To all the people who have so graciously nominated me in the past, please forgive my tardiness. I am truly time challenged. I consider the very existence of this blog to be an open miracle.

Today, I was so touched to be tagged by My Lighthearted Kitchen from her blog, for the 2016/2017 Tag!

Please check out her lifestyle and cooking blog where she shares her recipes, thoughts and musings about being a vegan, life-loving human being!

Here is the link to her blog:

The questions, I am afraid are a little bit difficult. But, my rule is, “if I have to think too much about it, then I can’t do it.” So, I will answer the first thought that pops in my mind, and assume that it is the right answer.

The tag was created by David from The Guy Who Said Always No. I love the title of his blog. It shows a great sense of humor!

Please show your support and visit both of these wonderful blogs.




Time challenged, intense and full of change.


There have been so many people who have been so generous and helpful this year. I could never limit it to only 2 people.

First of all, we moved. But, the neighbors from our old street were so wonderful and supportive. We miss everyone so much!

In particular, I must mention “The Mayor” of the block, whose kindness, warmth and caring are a source of inspiration. He, and his wife and children set a beautiful example for not only the block, but for anyone and everyone who has the privilege to be connected to them.

Secondly, my husband’s life was saved by 2 doctors in particular and many other people in the synagogue where we prayed. Are there ever enough words to acknowledge the miracle of a life saved?

Two more people who I feel so grateful towards are the youth group leaders at that synagogue, Marvin and Divsha. This wonderful couple were so caring and kind to both my daughters. They gave my girls a sense of place in this world that I so greatly appreciate and treasure.

All of these people and so many others have touched my heart this year. The wellspring of gratitude that I feel for all these people is ever-flowing and infinite.


I know that this answer is evading the question, but, every place is beautiful.  One of my greatest pleasures was to sit on my glider and watch the sun rise in the morning. Another great joy was to sit on our front porch swing and watch the people walk by, especially when it rained.


Anything made by my mother and sister was completely awesome! My sister made a BBQ turkey that was truly memorable!


On a personal level, moving was a very significant personal event. I am still adjusting and transitioning to the change.

On a national level, the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States was of great significance. It is a topic of conversation at work and throughout our society. We are all on a journey and it remains to be seen where all of this will lead.

Inspired by my patients, I pray for the success and ongoing strength of this new administration, this country and the world. May we all be blessed with peace, joy, good health and abundance.


 We bought a new house. That was a significant and huge undertaking! 


  • Meditate daily
  • Spend a set amount of time daily for self-care and relaxation. Blogging is included in this category
  • Pause before responding when aggravated or upset.
  • Learn how to use Facebook (OK, this was 4, but who is counting?


I love going home to Toronto and visiting with my mother and childhood friends.


Hmmmm…. This is not so important to me. I would love to learn how to make soap (this is not edible) and make time to do more sewing.

The wonderful people I would like to tag are:  (I am afraid that I do not know how to make short links. Maybe I should make that another goal for 2017?)

Monica at One Way To Health — A budget friendly journey to a healthier and happier you.

Ruta at Estonian Cuisine who blogs about easy and delicious Estonian food at

Elizabeth at the comfortable coop, who is so supportive and down to earth at

Sugasuga and her blog Loaf Lusters, who writes about the adventures of a broke foodie at

Kathryn at Another Foodie Blogger, who blogs on simple gourmet food at

Susie at SusieShy45 at

Another blogger who writes on many of my favorite topics.

Jessica at Unmeasured Journey at Very thoughtful writing, and I love her blog name!

Bruce at sportsattitudes at  Bruce writes about sports and so much more. He is the only person who I know who can make sports sound interesting and meaningful to a non-sports person like me.

Sarah & Choppy at I love her stories and her pictures! She has a wonderful sense of humor and pictures.


Thank you all for participating and reading this post! Please check out these blogs and show your support for our beautiful fellow bloggers.

May this year be a year of inspiration, creativity, and love.

Many blessings for peace,

Carol and family




Happy Holidays Everyone!

This year, for the first time in many years, Chanukah and Christmas both coincide with each other.

Today is the first day of Chanukah and it is also Christmas Day.


Originally, this was going to be the Chanukah holiday greeting for my blog:

Yaffa's art project.

Yaffa’s art project.

However, last night, we went to visit my sister, Raizel. We celebrated the first night of Chanukah together — we lite the candles, made doughnuts, sang songs and played with dreidels.

Traditionally, this holiday is celebrated by eating foods cooked in oil to celebrate the miracle of the oil which lasted for 8 days.  My sister is a fabulous cook and baker. She can pretty well do anything in the kitchen! I am hoping to post her recipe and the pictures later.

My sister’s neighborhood is a mix of many faiths and people from all over the world. Since it was also Christmas Eve, and she lives near a Church, everyone, Jewish and Christian, was out celebrating and immersed in the holiness of their celebration.

Just for fun, I thought I would post a few pictures.

Beautiful lights!

A view from the street.

Outside of a local church.

A different view from the inside.


Happy holidays everyone!

Happy Valentine’s Day

Today is Valentine’s Day. 

It happens to be my grandmother’s birthday. And, today, my husband’s nephew is also getting married!!!


In general, this is a holiday to celebrate romantic love. 

My husband always chuckles that the reason I chose to marry him was very unromantic. He always wishes I would have married him for his good looks and lean hard body. Instead, I married him because he was respectful towards his mother. 

My theory is: once a man is comfortable with you, he will treat you the way he treats his mother. I calculated that if my husband would treat me the way my husband treated his mother then our life together would be great. – I was right! 

My husband is not only handsome, he is as good to me as he was to his mother (A”H).

But, love is so much more than how another person makes us feel. 

Love is an action. 

We grow to love others by giving and doing for them. Love is the feeling that comes after we give selflessly of ourselves to another person. The more we give, the more we love we have.

Enjoy this special day with the ones you love!

Mazel Tov Chaim and Rivki!

Food For Thought-  Quote Challenge Day 3

This is my last day of my 3 day quote challenge. I can’t believe that I did it!

However, since I am posting this from my computer, and not my cell phone, the timing is off and it seems like this is the first post, rather than the third. Unfortunately, when I tried to fix it, it made it worse.  So, I am leaving it as it is. Everything happens for a reason!

Thank you Jenny Marie at Peace from Panic | One Mom’s Journey Helping Her Child Through Anxiety  who graciously nominated me.

Please check out Jenny Marie’s blog. She is a beautiful writer who touches on many meaningful and inspiring themes that are near and dear to my heart.

Peace from Panic | One Mom’s Journey Helping Her Child Through Anxiety

Here are the rules:

Post for three consecutive days

Posts can be one or three quotes per day

Nominate three different blogs per day

I am going to follow Jenny Marie’s plan and nominate bloggers on my third day, which will have to be Saturday night, after Shabbat is over. (Keep in mind that my timing is off. this is really being posting on 2/13/2016.)

As many of you know from my about page, I often speak about the power of our thoughts and the importance of being mindful and cooking with love.

Raizel often accuses me of being “too spiritual,” but, despite her teenage attitude, I think I have had an impact.

This is a quote by Raizel. I liked it so much that I made it into this picture:

This is one that I quote often:

Lastly, this is my food quote:


And now for my nominees:


Please visit these wonderful blogs and show your support for our fellow bloggers!



Food For Thought- Quote Challenge Day 2

I was graciously nominated by Jenny Marie for a 3 day quote challenge.

To stay slightly on topic, I am accepting this 3 day quote challenge, but including a quote about food or eating each day.

Thank you Jenny Marie at Peace from Panic | One Mom’s Journey Helping Her Child Through Anxiety for nominating me for this challenge.

Please check out Jenny Marie’s blog:

Jenny Marie is a beautiful writer who touches on many meaningful and inspiring themes that are near and dear to my heart. Many have moved me to laughter and tears.

Here are the rules:

Post for three consecutive days

Posts can be one or three quotes per day

Nominate three different blogs per day

I am going to follow Jenny Marie’s plan and nominate bloggers on my third day, which will have to be Saturday night, after Shabbat is over.

I love this quote:

I am a huge fan of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, who I find very inspiring and wise:

Finally, here is a food for thought quote:


Food For Thought -Quote Challenge Day 1

I was nominated by Jenny Marie for a 3 day quote challenge.

I am accepting this 3 day quote challenge, and including a quote about food or eating each day, to stay slightly on topic. 

Thank you Jenny Marie at Peace from Panic | One Mom’s Journey Helping Her Child Through Anxiety for nominating me for this challenge. 

Please check out Jenny Marie’s blog:

Jenny Marie is a beautiful writer who touches on many meaningful and inspiring themes that are near and dear to my heart. Many have moved me to laughter and tears.

Here are the rules:

Post for three consecutive days

Posts can be one or three quotes per day

Nominate three different blogs per day

I am going to follow Jenny Marie’s plan and nominate bloggers on my third day, which will have to be Saturday night, after Shabbat is over.

Below are 2 quotes that are near and dear to my heart. One was a gift that I made with my friend Reitza Sarah, for our friend Aviva. Aviva leads a beautiful class that we are both a part of. I am posting it here as it encapsulates many of my core values and beliefs:


In the center it says “ein od milvado” which translates as “there is none besides Him.” Ein od milvado is a segula or a protective phrase that shields a person from danger. 

This is one of my favorite quotes, that is also on my About page:

Finally, here is a food quote:



Off Topic: Raizel’s Words Of Wisdom Today 

This is an off topic post that I feel I just have to share!

Today, I did my usual morning routine: wake up the girls; give them breakfast; make their lunches and then put them on the bus to school.

Raizel is at the stage where she is thinking about her yearbook and what she wants to write for it. So, this morning she asked: “what do you think of this: don’t wait for the perfect moment. Take the moment and make it perfect?”  I liked it so much that I wrote it down.

Then, we walked to the bus stop. The leaves are changing colour around us and the fall foliage is fantastic!  So, as we were waiting for the bus, Raizel took this picture with my phone.

I felt like I needed to capture the moment, so I combined the two.

Living a life that matters is forged through our meaningful emotional connections with our loved ones. It is not, “those were the days my friends,” but rather “these are the days my friends.”

Waking the girls up, giving them breakfast, making their lunches, putting them on the bus and even washing the dishes are the stuff that really matter in life.


Off Topic — Happy Simchat Torah


Immediately following Sukkot comes the holiday of Shemini Atzaret/Simchat Torah.

This is a uniquely spiritual holiday marked by singing, dancing and marching with the Torah.

We throw a party in honor of the fact that we completed and begin anew the annual cycle of Torah readings.

Our lives are like a Sefer Torah. The span of time we are alive is similar to the parchment; our deeds are the words. Each moment our actions determine the style and the content of our personal scroll.

On this holiday, food takes a back seat to the singing and dancing. Children take a bag to synagogue and collect candies and sweets. 

My happiest memories as a child were on this holiday. It was a special day where we ran around carrying flags with the whole community. It was so much fun!

Wishing everyone a most joyful holiday!

With blessings,

Carol and family